SOUND INSTALLATIONS (radio related installations below)
2024: DO YOU HEAR THAT WHISTLING SOUND? - Solo exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
2024: TRAINWAVES - exhibiton at Kunstlerhaus Bethanien and at Visningsrommet USF, Bergen
2023: PIN BALL WEEKEND - event at Hordaland kunstsenter and Bergen Pinball Club as part of the prosject DearNeighbour
2022: FERD (Journey) - solo exihibition at Atelier Nord as part of the Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival
2021: IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT OF EMERGENCY - sound installation at Oslo Kunstforening 2021-2022
2021: THE SCIENTIST IN PISCO - a miniature opera on electomagnetic waves
2020: ETTER ALLE SOLEMERKE - Sound- and video installation by Lars Ove Toft and Maia Urstad. Kabuso Art Centre, Norway
2019: NATTFERD / NIGHT JOURNEY - Sound installation for night train. Struer Tracks, Denmark
2019: SIDERSOGER / CIDER STORIES - Sound installation at Alvavoll cider farm, commissioned by Hardanger Musikkfest
2016: THE RETURN OF THE ZERO MERIDIAN - (2016-present) Commissioned, permanent work. Also part of the exhibition FESTNINGEN 2019.
2016: MARGRETHE'S BELLS - Sound work for Sound Art Drive-in
2014: CARGO - Sound installation curated by Volt at Visningsrommet USF, Bergen, Norway.
2001: SILENT SOUND/MOTLYD - Sound art festival with Jana Winderen and Jørgen Træen at USF Verftet, Bergen
2014: LY - Sound installation curated by URRA at Galerie Del Infinito, Buenos Aires
2012: THEY WERE HUNGRY - Sound work curated by Clare Butcher at Evil Son Gallery, Cape Town
2010: YELLOW 16 - Commissioned, permanent work at Herdla Museum, Askøy Island Norway.
2008: WITHIN THIS NARROW STRIP OF LAND - Sound for video works by Judy Price.
2008: GEIRR TVEITT ANNO 1934 - Borealis festival, Bergen, Norway
2019- 2020: MURMUR, installation at XIV Biennial of Media Art at the National Museum og Fine Art Santiago de Chile.
2019: MURMUR installation commisioned by Borderline Festival 2019, Onassis Cultural Center, Athens
2017: TIME-TONE PASSAGES (2017-2019) A public radio installation in the Welckerpassage, Bonn
2016: RADIO TAXI BUENOS AIRES Radiophonic sound installation at Fundacion PROA Contemporary Space, Buenos Aires
2011: MEANWHILE IN SHANGHAI…. Radiophonic installation series, 2011- present.
2009: CQ KALININGRAD / BERGEN, a live radio transmission performance
2005: THE IDEA OF NORTH, Iceland, Norway and Canada
2004: SOUND BARRIER Radiophonic installation series, 2004 – present
2000: CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLES Outdoor concert performance at Bergenhus Fortress during Bergen City of Culture 2000.
1999: STATIONS, outdoor radio- installation at Bergenhus Fortress, Bergen
1998: ETHER, Outdoor cassette-radio installation, Fløyen Forest, Bergen
1999: STAIR TO NOTHING, Bergen Fortress