2024: Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo. Solo exhibition. 24.05.24 – 04.08.24.
2024: Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin. «Sounds of Bethany», 50-year anniversary exhibition 19.07. – 18.08.2024
2024: Visningsrommet USF. 40 years jubilee exhibition for artists at the United Sardines Factory, Bergen. 18.April – 12.May 2024. More HERE
2024: BEK- Bergen centre for electronic art, sound performance during the BEK Opening Week 2024.
2024: Chicago Architecture Center, sound work for «Radio Utopia - News from the world". 24.Feb - 03.March 2024.
2023: XVIIIth Venice International Architecture Exhibition 2023, sound work for «Radio Utopia - News from the world".
2023: Sail In of Sound Art, Soundwork for the platform Urban Sound Art, Fredrikstad (NO). 15. July- 15. Aug. 2023.
2023: Hordaland kunstsenter. Pinball Weekend as part of the initiative Dear Neighbour. 20. - 21. May.
2023: Oscillation ::: o tempo — festival 2023, solo performance commissioned by Q‑O2. 27. - 30. April, Brussels.
2023: Borealis – a festival for experimental music, IONOS - commisioned work. World premiere in Bergen, 19. 03. 2023.