Sound installation, 2024.
Sound composition, multichannel audio player, loudspeakers, bench.

The sound installation Trainwaves takes listeners on an imaginary journey. Train and station announcements from all over the world and in a wide variety of languages are combined and accompanied by slowly unfolding soundscapes. As in a dream sequence, the announcements sound unclear and blurred: stations, languages, places and sounds merge into a fantastical intermediate world – a state between wakefulness and dreaming that many visitors will be familiar with from long train rides. Here, the journey takes us around the world.

Photo above:
Listeners to Trainwaves at the exhibition Sounds of Bethany, Berlin 2024.
Photo: Robert Graeff.


Sounds of Bethany - 50 Years Künstlerhaus Bethanien” Berlin, 19.07.-18.08.2024.
Curator: Carsten Seiffarth,
Artistic Director: Christoph Tannert.
Technician: Eckie Güther, Lars Ove Toft.

”40 år minst” - anniversary exhibition at Visningsrommet USF, Bergen, 18.04 - 12.5.2024.
In 2024 it was 40 years since the first artists moved into a former Sardines factory in Bergen, USF (United Sardines Factory) and laid the foundation stone for today's large cultural and performing arts center USF Verftet. The artists organized a large anniversary exhibition in the USF Exhibition Space Vinsingsrommet USF.