Freq_out (from left): Kent Tankred, Maia Urstad, BJNilsen, Jacob Kirkegaard, Brandon LaBelle, J.G. Thirlwell, CM von Hausswolff, Mike Harding, Per Magnus Lindborg, Petteri Nisunen, Franz Pommasl, Finnbogi Petursson, Jana Winderen, Tommi Gronlund, Christine Ödlund.
freq_out is a site specific sound installation consisting of 13 individual audio works which are presented as a single piece. The group consist of sound artists, architects, composers, producers, sculptors, mathematicians and visual artists. Each player is assigned a frequency range to work with. This process is carried out in situ, each player using a workstation consisting of mixing desk and PA system. All the resulting sounds are then mixed together in the space provided to create a sound installation. The first event took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, in June 2003.
Curator: Carl Michael von Hausswolff.
Participants: Petteri Nisunen/Tommi Gronlund, Finnbogi Petursson, Franz Pommasl, BJNilsen, Benny Nilsen, Jacob Kirkegaard, Mike Harding, Kent Tankred, J.G. Thirlwell, Christine Ödlund, Per Magnus Lindborg, Jana Winderen, Brandon LaBelle, Maia Urstad.
freq_out on facebook
Article in Kunstjournalen by CM von hausswolff
freq_out 12
Tonspur Kunstverein, Vienna
Sound installation: "The last edition" at Third Man Sewer, 2016
Co-curator: Franz Pomassl
More here
freq_out Orchestra: "freq_out live"
Score: JG Thirlwell
Conductor: CM von Hausswolff
More here
freq_out 11
Online version in collaboration with The Lake Radio
freq_out 1.2
Skandion Clinic, Uppsala, Sweden
Permanent sound installation autumn 2014 onwards
More here
freq_out 10
The 5th Marrakech Biennial
Installation and solo performances
25 February - 31 March 2014
More here
Images of the installation here
Images from the performances here
freq_out 9
De Stedelijk, Amsterdam // Sonic Acts
Sound installation in the space of Dan Flavin
18 - 21 February 2013
More here and here
freq_out 8
Moderna Museet Stockholm
48 hours' sound installation February 2012
Video by Finnbogi Petursson here
more here
freq_out 7
Happy New Ears - Kortrjik Festival, Belgium
Sound installation and live performances
September 2008
Listen to FREQ_OUT ORCHESTRA on TouchRadio | October 2008
freq_out 6
Dreamlands Burn - Mucsarnok, Kunsthalle Budapest
Sound installation and freq_out Orchestra: "freq_out live"
20 - 23 February 2007
More here and here
freq_out 5 / Building Transmissions
Hosted by the Land Foundation, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Installation, presentations and performances
6 - 13 January 2007
More here
freq_out 4
Sonambiente, Berlin
Sound installation in a vault located under the historic Schlossplatz.
1 June - 16 July 2006
3 June: freq-out Orchestra - live concert at Haus der Berliner festspiele, conducted by C.M von Hausswolff
More here
freq_out 3
Nuit Blanche, Paris
Communist Party building, designed by Oscar Niemeyer
1 October 2005
Co-curated by J.G.Thirlwell
freq_out 2
Ultima Oslo Music Festival 2004
9 - 17 October 2004
Sound installation at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
freq_out Ochestra: "freq_out live" at Blaa venue
Produced by Jana Winderen
freq_out 2 CD
The 2nd freq_out CD after Ash 5.8
Recorded at the Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Norway
touch label:
Release freq_out CD3: Catalogue Dreamlands Burn from freq_out 6
2017: freq_out 11 Online version in collaboration with The Lake Radio
2016: freq_out 12 Tonspur Kunstverein, Vienna (AT)
2014: freq_out 1.2 (Skandion): permanent sound installation at Skandion Clinic, Uppsala (SE)
2014: freq_out 10 Marrakech 5th Biennial (MA)
2013: freq_out 9 De Stedelijk, Sonic Acts, Amsterdam (NL)
2012: freq_out 8 Moderna Museet Stockholm (SE)
2008: freq-out 7 Happy New Ears Festival, Belgium (BE)
2007 freq_out 6 “Dreamlands Burn”, Kunsthalle Budapest (HU)
2007 freq_out 5 Chiangmai, Thailand (TH)
2006 freq_out 4 Sonambiente, Berlin (DK)
2005 freq_out 3 Nuit Blanche, Paris (FR)
2004 freq_out 2 Ultima Oslo Music Festival, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (NO)